About Us
UK support groups

What We're All About
We bear witness to the suffering and the steadfastness of The UK vaccine injury community
If you have experienced an adverse event following vaccination in the UK, please make a Yellow Card Report. Unfortunately, the MHRA does not publish the reports, so if you have had a COVID vaccine especially, you may want to also report your experiences to this Survey. If you need help or advice, please do contact any of the wholly volunteer-run organisations below providing support and information. If you would like to tell your story, please contact us.
Informed Choice in all medical matters is protected by law, both national and international. However, in the case of mass vaccination, this practice is not as clearly defended as it should be. Anyone considering a medical intervention should have the opportunity to explore the potential benefits and costs before making their decision. This is almost never offered in the case of vaccination. It is never satisfactorily offered in the case of minors receiving vaccinations at secondary school. Giving consent with full awareness is crucial, especially in these times. For more information, please have a look at the Consent Charity website.
When adverse events do occur after vaccination, the association with the vaccine is often ignored. Families can find it very difficult to access the help they need. They are rarely made aware of the MHRA Yellow Card Reporting System. The HMRC Vaccine Damage Payment is almost never discussed, and is very difficult to access. Vaccine makers are not liable for any after effect of the use of their products.
Our Team Of Volunteers

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