Vaccine Injury Stories Jacqueline’s son developed autism after his vaccines, she also reacted to a vaccine.By Admin 1, 7 yearsJune 2, 2018 ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Musician was ill for weeks with an autoimmune response and lost his hearing and developed tinnitus after travel vaccines: Typhoid, Rabies, Yellow Fever and Hep BBy Admin 1, 7 years ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Mo talks about seeing her son regress into Autism following the MMR vaccine.By Admin 1, 7 years ago
Vaccine Injury Stories The Fishers describe the final 10 days after little George had the MMR vaccine.By Admin 1, 7 yearsJune 2, 2018 ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Isabella explains how each of her 4 sons had reactions, but the youngest developed Autism.By Admin 1, 7 yearsJune 2, 2018 ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Suzi talks about how her daughter’s health has been affected by vaccines.By Admin 1, 7 years ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Kirsten explains how her son regressed into Autism following the MMR.By Admin 1, 7 yearsJune 2, 2018 ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Joanne tells how her first two children were well, but her third child, another son, developed Autism.By Admin 1, 7 yearsJune 2, 2018 ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Alison was told she needed the Hepatitis B vaccine, which resulted in her experiencing an adverse reaction.By Admin 1, 7 years ago
Vaccine Injury Stories Elaine Godley’s granddaughter died of ‘natural causes’ in Jan 2010, 9 days after the MMRBy Admin 1, 7 yearsJune 2, 2018 ago