My son Luke’s death was deemed a cot death. There are however no symptoms associated with cot death – no cause or clue can be found at post mortem exam. To all intents and purposes, the child just slipped peacefully away in its sleep.

Babies who die from vaccine related causes, on the other hand, do not usually have peaceful deaths. There is brain swelling, causing immense pain in the head, lack of awareness of surroundings, seizures – basically, imagine how an adult would feel if their brain was swelling and damaged and the whole of their body was shutting down as a result of this pressure on the brain . . . . . THAT’S how a baby feels, only they can’t tell anyone.

Luke had severe hypoxic brain injury (damage) on his brain after death that isn’t consistent with cot death – yet he was still ruled as one. When I e-mailed the pathologist with the research I had done asking for her views as to whether or not Luke had died of vaccine-related injury, she sent me a short and terse e-mail in reply saying that Luke died because he was in bed with me.

The reason Luke was in bed with me was because he was ill after his vaccinations. So yes, he DID die in bed with me, but THAT did not cause his seizure, brain swelling and brain damage.

Luke had the same symptoms as so many other babies who have died of vaccine reaction. No way on earth was Luke a Sudden Infant Death.

Here is a letter I sent to the Daily Mail: 

“My son died a week after having the 3rd DTaP injection. At postmortem examination, his brain was found to be 20% heavier than considered normal for a child of his age. It was swollen and contained blood, both fresh and old. He is thought to have had a seizure before dying. 

Prior to his death I was obviously not anti-vaccination as I took him for his shots, and continued to take him, even though it seemed he reacted badly after every dose. His disposition changed from a happy smiley boy to that of an irritable child, no longer interested in feeding and hard to rouse from sleep. He also vomited after his injections, but I still continued to vaccinate him, believing it was for his best. 

I was told by a neuropathologist that they felt my son’s death could be linked to his recent vaccination and was prepared to say this to the coroner. 

I swore to myself that I would never vaccinate another of my children again, despite being told by a pathologist that not vaccinating could have dangerous consequences. 

So here we have it, two medical professionals, both involved with my son’s postmortem inquiry and both saying different things. I trust and respect both parties. So WHO am I supposed to listen to? 

Ultimately I chose to follow my heart. I believe my son reacted badly to something in those injections he received. So badly that it caused his brain to swell, resulting in seizure and death. How could I possibly consent to injecting my daughter with the same thing? It will sound irrational to some, but you might as well ask me to pull the trigger of a gun aimed at her. As her mother, on an emotional level, that’s how it feels. 

Every time I read a paper or watch the news and see more coverage on the measles outbreak, I doubt my decision not to vaccinate. At the end of the day, like most parents, I adore my daughter and only want what’s best for her. I feel I am well and truly caught between that rock and the proverbial hard place. There is a risk in vaccinating her, given her brother’s history. There is a risk in not vaccinating her, in that she might be one of the small minority who develop serious complications from measles. It’s not an easy decision and one that I grapple with daily. Those that are deeming my unvaccinated child a public health hazard and baying for compulsory vaccination need to ask themselves what THEY would do in my situation.”

Lora Bishop, RIP

1 Comment

Daniel · July 21, 2021 at 3:11 am

That letter to the Daily Mail is fantastic. I hope they published it?

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