Jasmin's uncle, Georgie Fisher, died before she was born:

International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day is a day of joint support from people around the world for those whose lives have been significantly and adversely affected by vaccination. In the UK, we gather to acknowledge and witness our community. Few are able to travel due to caring singlehandedly for a child with catastrophic injury – for life: The UK Vaccine Injury community has peacefully marked 3rd June since 2016. Last year, we delivered documents to the Department of Education, the MHRA and the DWP. This year we held a vigil near the BBC, displaying evidence of harm such as over 200 dark glasses, for example, representing UK reports to MHRA of 212 cases of blindness after a Covid vaccine.

Among the photos displayed was the picture of Jodie with her mum, and her dad who passed away just before Christmas a few years ago: The MHRA have received over 1,200 reports of death soon after a COVID vaccine, 8 every day on average. Studies by the MHRA and other institutions suggest that only up 10 10% of severe adverse reactions are ever reported, and are urging health care professionals and the public to report vaccine adverse side effects. It’s worth noting that the MHRA’s medicines regulation is fully funded by the pharmaceutical industry.


Never before have we all been under such pressure to accept a vaccine, with experts in the media claiming almost zero severe risk. Previous campaigns and compensation funds have mostly disregarded the vaccine injured. On this day, many people lit candles in public places or online, in memory and support of those people who did vaccinate, suffered for it, and have been left to cope without meaningful support for a lifetime.

1 Comment

Lockdown Sceptics · June 7, 2021 at 1:04 am

[…] International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day was marked on June 3rd with a peaceful vigil in London (close to BBC Broadcasting House) remembering the victims of all vaccine injury, including those damaged by COVID-19 vaccinations. […]

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