- adored son, brother and uncle: Gavin was a perfect bouncing baby, born on 26th March 1982. He had all his jabs as was recommended and was fine even after the single measles jab at the age of 2. At the age of 6, his head began to droop and he began to suffer fits. He was subjected to extensive testing, including a lumbar puncture which concluded that he had an over abundance of measles antibodies caused by the vaccine. His parents were told he would not live another year. Gavin’s family refused to accept his prognosis and did the impossible to keep him comfortable and happy. Dad, Phil, says: “he became paralysed needing a peg feed and a tracheostomy. He had lots of spasms but no matter how poorly Gavin was, he would always manage to smile and laugh for us” and says that his family is totally against making any measles containing vaccine compulsory. Gavin died at the age of 28, on 28th Dec 2010. Gavin’s diagnosis was SSPE caused by the measles vaccine. Rest in peace, angel <3
Categories: Vaccine Injury Stories